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English translation for "timing frequency"

Example Sentences:
1.The de - noising based on time frequency analysis
2.Speech detection using matching pursuits algorithm in time frequency domain
3.Then the rotor s vibration signal is analyzed by time frequency
4.Identification of nonlinear dynamic systems : time frequency filtering and skeleton curves
5.On exploring tfsk time frequency shift keying for improving underwater acoustic communication
6.It is possible that the computer is of low grade , and the time frequency is too low , please change for a new computer
7.( 2 ) sedimentation cycle study method and technology using wavelet time frequency analysis theory is mostly studied and exploited
( 2 )重点研究和开发了利用时频分析研究沉积旋回的方法和技术。
8.It is also found that one time frequency of the system response will wave with the wave of slow - varying mass whether in the rotor systems with or without rubbing fault
9.The first full - color two - way video teleconferencing service is offered . the development of tfm ( time frequency multiplexing ) . the first compact disk players are available for sale in the u . s
第一个全彩色双向电视电话会议业务开通。开发tfm (时间频率多路复用) 。美国开始出售第一个光盘播放器。
10.Abstract : according to the method of limited fourier analysis , the author approaches the real cam by means of n times frequency wave method , and imitates a certain of cam in good performance with the method
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